Craniosacral Therapy and Polarity Therapy are both hands on healing modalities. Through craniosacral therapy, we examine the membranes, bones and movements of the fluids in and around the central nervous system. The aim is to relieve compression in the bones of the head, spinal column and sacrum. We do this through specific holds and gentle manipulations which allows the flow of cerebrospinal fluid to be restored to its optimum. Polarity therapy is an energy based modality that works with the body’s electromagnetic field. The aim is to restore our life energy to its optimal patterns in the body. We work with the positive, negative and neutral charges of the body by holding a series of polarized contacts. These therapies allow the nervous system to move gracefully from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state. How resourced we are in helping our system move back to a grounded state is an indication of our health and these therapies teach the body how to do this with ease.