My name is Sholeh Memauri and I am a Hawktale Healer. My passion and purpose is in bringing healing and belonging to the world through my intricate offerings. Coming from a long line of medicine women, I have cultivated my own healing through plant medicines, energy work and deep ancestral lineage repair. I have an intuitive awareness and understanding of situations, relations, souls, and the body. I create personalized offerings - using ancestral lineage repair work, craniosacral / polarity therapies, and plant medicine formulations - so that the multiple layers of our being are resourced and can achieve greater balance and vibrancy.

I believe the measure of good health is how gracefully and quickly the body, mind and spirit can get back to a harmonious state once our systems are thrown into discord. Inevitably, life is going to be a series of destabilizing situations. That’s the nature of this existence and the key is resource. The more resourced we are, the easier it will be for us to re-center and ground and I believe my offerings really resource all layers of the being. Plant medicine resources the mind, craniosacral and polarity therapies resource the body, and ancestral work resources the spirit. In this way, we are equipped to lead a harmonious life. 


A Bit

"I wish I could show you,
When you are lonely or in darkness,

The Astonishing Light
Of your own Being!” 

― Hafez

Sholeh bookends each session with a kind, warm, intelligent connection. At the opening, a collaborative inquiry into what is most present to work on that day. At the close, after giving as much time and space as I need, she invites any sharing and conversation for integration, with no obligation. Sholeh has a presence that non-verbally communicates "I am here for you." Sholeh found a calm, beautiful place inside me that I can visit ongoing as a personal and professional resource, for that I am grateful.

Alexander T

Sholeh is a divine embodiment of healthy compassion and a natural healing opportunity for all she comes in contact with. Sholeh is a gift, a natural leader and is showing up fully for the loud call of heart-driven pursuits. I do not know a more compassionate high integrity human than Sholeh.

Margo D

Sholeh is a divine embodiment of healthy compassion and a natural healing opportunity for all she comes in contact with. Sholeh is a gift, a natural leader and is showing up fully for the loud call of heart-driven pursuits. I do not know a more compassionate high integrity human than Sholeh.

Tanya H





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